
Round 1

Admittedly, when I was told to start up a WordPress blog, I was completely clueless. Sure, I had a blog previously on Tumblr (if that could even be considered one) but I had never taken the time to truly market myself as a person. With my Tumblr, it was about 90% stupidity; I would simply reblog anything that I found humorous or that would appeal to my nerdy tendencies. Now, here I am making my first post on WordPress and all I can say is: Challenge Accepted. 

My thought process when creating this blog was akin to trying to fit a fruit salad through a bottle neck. I enjoy a lot of things in my life, all of which I would love to share with the entirety of the world’s population. But the question remained: How could I narrow all of these passions down into one creative title?

Then it struck me. I’m a person who, at my core, enjoys experiencing things that I find aesthetic. I’m not restricting aesthetics to a visual or a musical sense, but rather anything or anybody that could be put in front of me and have me say “Yes, I enjoy this.” And so, that brings me here. I aim to share my memories, my experiences, my friends, and my stories with any of you who would be willing to be called my audience. So, to give you all a sneak peek of what’s to come, here are a few things that I enjoy.